DX-API integration using Pega vs Salesforce

Pega and Salesforce integration using DX-API

·        Install Salesforce CLI


·        For test Salesforce CLI

Run > CMD

Type sfdx and press enter.

If it is working fine need to display CLI output like this.

·        Install VS Code


·        Open VS Code Click on Extension.

·        Search Salesforce in extension list

·        Install salesforce extension list

·        Extract pegaLwcStarterPack84.zip file and open file location from VS Code.

Open folder from file menu.

·        Change end point URLs. Insert pega server URL



·        After changing URLs, Need to deploy the changes that made in above XML files.

Right click on Force-App

And click on Deploy Source to org

Wait until finish the deployment.

·        Create Salesforce Account.

Navigate to Develper.Salesforce.com and create an account.


and signup

·        Go to VS Code and press Ctrl+Shift+P for load commad dropdown and select

SFDX:Authorize and Org.



Next select Project default and press enter.


·        After pressing enter key VS Code automatically navigate to salesforce login page.


·        Login to salesforce account and click on this icon

·        Next click on services


·        Click on the setup icon in top right and select edit page

·        Select suitable Pega component from the left side component list

·        Drag and drop on the page and configure each component.

·        Fill the DX-API Endpoint with <<Pega server Url>>/prweb/api/v1/

Select  Authentication type as Basic and pega User Name and Password


·        After changes Click on save button and Click on Activation Button

·        After clicking activation button close the Home page default popup


·        Click on the back button to see the Changes


·        Changes added to the service page



 ·        Now Pega Create Case component added to the service page. It shows all the available flows of the application which accessible to the pega user that mention when configuring Create case component.

If some one need to access specific flow add the flow instance name if flows text box when configuring Create Case component. If using multiple flows separate flows by using commas.


·        After clicking flow icon control loads pega assignment which define in pega flow action in salesforce app.


If your pega API not working it gives below error.

DX-API end point URL needs to be – http:// <your pega server domain name>/prweb/api/v1/

No need to mention class name at the end of the request. It automatically added to the DX-API URL by pega component.


By Arosh Fernando on 2020 Nov 25


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